Friday, December 19, 2014

Why our best police officers are altruists

Because ‘real police work’ can include dealing with truancy, family issues, traffic safety and control, community health, and neighborhood disputes, many of the most effective police officers are those who are altruistic

A public servant is a government employee at any one of several levels who provides some type of service which benefits the general public — particularly the disadvantaged. A police department provides a public service and can be considered a social service agency because of the myriad issues addressed by police officers — recall that most police issues are not crime related.
‘Real police work’ can include dealing with truancy, family issues, traffic safety and control, community health and safety, neighborhood disputes, and many other issues. 
Because of this, many of the most effective police officers are ones who are altruistic.
Motivated Toward Good

Altruism is selfless, genuine concern for the well-being of others. An altruist who performs a service for others does it for their own personal gratification. An altruistic police officer feels a sense of fulfillment when he or she risks their life to help others. An altruistic police officer is one who is approachable by citizens, is easy to meet and uses his or her ‘game face’ only for the chosen few who deserve a stern attitude and face of authority. 

Arrogance, aloofness, being overbearing and a cynic are not traits of an altruist — although on occasion being overbearing is appropriate for any officer. An altruist is not detached, disinterested, or unconcerned. An altruist is compassionate, involved, and engaged with the matter at hand, whether that is a victim’s plight or a citizen’s concern.
Whether an officer responds to social issues or criminal violations, maintaining order requires a certain mindset that develops and keeps an interactive relationship with citizens served. Many reports of police misconduct portray officers as applying their authority arbitrarily, being insensitive and caustic to others, and exhibiting an attitude that their authority gives them privilege and entitlement. Unfortunately, many department leaders ignore reports and fail to learn from mistakes.
Countering Others’ Misdeeds

The occurrence of police misconduct — or the perception of misconduct — which can be caused by insensitivity of officers, (among other reasons) cannot continue if a police department is to be successful in maintaining order. An entire department must understand the culture of the people it serves even if that culture is markedly different from their own. 

All officers may not be altruists, but all officers must know they cannot successfully serve the public without civil intercourse and vigilant respect along with discipline and professionalism.
About the author
John F. Hein is an adjunct instructor of criminal justice for the American Public University System and a retired executive of the former U.S. Customs Service.  Hein served 35 years in civilian and military security and law enforcement agencies.  He is a member of ASIS International, an association of security professionals, and is a Certified Protection Professional (CPP).  Hein supported, supervised or conducted employee internal investigations for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General, then for the former U.S. Customs Service, Office of Internal Affairs, and, as a reservist, the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations. He was a deputy sheriff prior to his service as a federal criminal investigator. He is the author of Inside Internal Affairs: An In-Depth Look at the People, Process and Politics, published by Looseleaf Law Publications, Inc.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Why background checks are so important

Pre-employment due diligence should address more than criminal history and financial responsibility — here are a few reasons why

The background of every law enforcement officer is scrutinized prior to employment and, depending upon the department, many are routinely updated periodically until retirement.
An initial background investigation is conducted to determine — among other things — criminal history, character, financial responsibility, and association with others. Some believe this process is cumbersome — sometimes even an invasion of privacy — and they may minimize the activity and avoid giving testimony.
However, professionals must understand the importance of an applicant or employee background investigation (BI). Today more than ever, it’s about ensuring our national security.
Repercussions (Still) of 9/11

There are many reasons why a BI should be taken seriously. Without a diligent investigation, an applicant who is dishonest or not suited to a law enforcement position could be erroneously hired. In addition, BIs always have been of utmost importance for security reasons, but since the 9/11 terrorist attacks the backgrounds of not only law enforcement officials but others in sensitive positions in public and private organizations have taken an even more serious note.

National security now includes the process of thwarting a terrorist group from planting a member in a police department.
United States counterterrorism organizations know that terror groups are actively attempting to place extremists in positions in sensitive government and private locations. Terror groups strive to infiltrate government intelligence, law enforcement, and other security positions. Government facilities and private locations like power plants and water dams are all targets for terror groups. International terror organizations are anxious to infiltrate group members into American society.
Since 9/11, the question of legal and illegal immigration has also taken a more serious note. While the September 11th attackers were all legally in the United States on temporary visas, employers are finding that illegal immigrants, through various means, are employed in sensitive positions.
A (Recent) History Lesson

In 2009, The Huffington Post reported that the infiltration and corruption of American law enforcement is a national security problem. The author reported that traitors among us are wearing federal law enforcement uniforms patrolling the U.S. border while corrupt local officers are patrolling elsewhere.

On December 12, 2013, the Associated Press reported that an Arizona Department of Public Safety detective resigned after it was discovered she was an illegal alien. And in 2011, The Alaska Dispatch reported a police officer in Anchorage also was found to be an illegal alien and was sentenced to three months in prison, three years on probation, and given a $3,000 fine.
In 2007, the Washington Post reported that a Milwaukee police officer was arrested when it was determined he was an illegal alien. The officer, who had taken the identity of a deceased cousin, later pled guilty to a felony for claiming he was a United States citizen.
While these officers did not appear to have been a national security risk, they may have placed criminal and civil court cases in jeopardy by falsely identifying themselves.
In 2007, a Lebanese national named Nada Nadim Prouty pled guilty to charges of fraudulently obtaining U.S. citizenship and conspiracy to defraud the United States. She used her citizenship to obtain employment at different times with the FBI and CIA. Reportedly during her employment she unlawfully made computer queries concerning her relatives and the terrorist organization Hezbollah.
Looking to the Future

Some potential national security risks are not even born yet. In 2010, the Washington Post l reported a new significance to American citizenship. There are dozens of businesses that provide birthing services to expectant Chinese mothers, a 2013 Time World article asserts.

Since anyone born in the U.S. is deemed to be a U.S. citizen, Chinese nationals travel to and stay in the United States long enough to give birth. Reportedly the point of the U.S. birth is to circumvent China’s one child per family rule and to secure their children the benefits of American citizenship later in life.
To some, American citizenship in the 21st century has little to do with loyalty. It is suspected more sinister reasons for U.S. citizenship are yet to be realized.
An employment background investigation is one of the vertebrae of national security efforts. Cooperation is a must to not only protect yourself and co-workers, but your family and country. Federal and local government employees or anyone called to give testimony during a BI must understand the consequences if contact is avoided or information is withheld.
About the author
John F. Hein is an adjunct instructor of criminal justice for the American Public University System and a retired executive of the former U.S. Customs Service.  Hein served 35 years in civilian and military security and law enforcement agencies.  He is a member of ASIS International, an association of security professionals, and is a Certified Protection Professional (CPP).  Hein supported, supervised or conducted employee internal investigations for the U.S. Department of Transportation, Office of Inspector General, then for the former U.S. Customs Service, Office of Internal Affairs, and, as a reservist, the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations. He was a deputy sheriff prior to his service as a federal criminal investigator. He is the author of Inside Internal Affairs: An In-Depth Look at the People, Process and Politics, published by Looseleaf Law Publications, Inc.